Digital Citizenship
At ISB, digital citizenship is a central pillar of our educational approach across all grade levels. We aim to develop digitally literate, life-long learners who are empowered to contribute creatively and responsibly to a sustainable future. To achieve this, ISB students engage in ongoing reflection on how to be responsible, respectful, and safe when utilizing technology. We consider this focus not only crucial for achieving our school’s mission of developing digitally literate learners but also as an essential skill for lifelong learning.
This educational journey culminates annually during Digital Citizenship Week, a global initiative that allows schools worldwide to explore and celebrate the principles of positive digital engagement.
Our curriculum, based on the highly regarded Common Sense Media digital citizenship curriculum, encompasses comprehensive teachings on media literacy, privacy, safety, and the constructive use of technology. Since 2019, ISB has been recognized as a Common Sense Media Certified School; a testament to our commitment and excellence in fostering digital citizenship.
Digital citizenship is a standard to which we hold ourselves accountable. At ISB, every student from Kindergarten onwards signs an age-appropriate Digital Citizenship Agreement, underscoring the expectations and responsibilities associated with the proper use of technology at our school. Teachers and administrators also adhere to these agreements, emphasizing a community-wide approach to this vital subject and ensuring appropriate technology use throughout the school.